Career Advice

Ways to Reward Yourself For your Hard Work

Guess who just hit a new milestone at work? Yes, it’s you. After a long run of sleepless nights and endless meetings, you finally reach your goal. At this point, you feel like you can finally breathe, and the pressure is off your chest. But before you run off to achieve your next goal, you should take time out to reward yourself for a job well done. According to JMC Academy, rewarding oneself can be a great incentive to keep you working towards your goals. In this article, we would be looking at various ways you can reward yourself for outstanding performance. 

Tips for Picking a reward. 

Don’t pick a reward that negates your achievement:

Your reward should not be detrimental to the goal you’ve already achieved. Make sure you keep it simple.

Pick something relevant:

If you’ve been sleeping late because you had to achieve a particular task, going to bed early would be the ideal reward. Staying up all night to binge-watch the shows you missed out on would do you no good.

Easy to achieve:

Your reward should be something that doesn’t stress you, and you can achieve within a short period. 

Get the appropriate reward:

Remember small rewards for small tasks and big rewards for big tasks. Make sure your reward is proportional to the goal achieved. 

Ways to Reward Yourself.

Watch your favorite movie:

You might have been postponing watching a particular tv show for a while because of work. Now that you’ve achieved your goal, you can reward yourself with a nice movie without work hunting you with every scene. 

Read your favorite novel:

A great way to escape from the reality of work is to run into the land of fiction or non-fiction if you like. Picking a book to read as a reward can serve as a great escape, and refreshment before you return to conquer more goals. 

Use social media:

Work might have kept you away from social media for a while; it’s okay to resume using your favorite app after you’ve achieved a goal. 

Order food from your favorite place:

You can never go wrong with your favorite meal. Go to your favorite restaurant’s website or dial their number and order your preferred meal. 

Call your best friend or partner:

Work has a way of secluding you from family and friends. You might get so invested in work that you forget to place a call to the ones you love. Now that work is out of the way, call those you miss and have a long chat. 

Sleep :

Sleep is a great reward as any other thing on this list. I mean, we know you’ve had sleepless nights to achieve those goals. Go to bed early, and savor every moment you are not dreaming about work.