General Work Think Pieces

Throw Only Soft Objects At Human Resource! They Are Trying...Or Not!

With the bad reputation the Human Resources Department (at what seems like every company) has built over time, it might be worth checking if the people who work there are humans. This article isn’t to bash Human Resource professionals; however, “there’s no smoke without fire,” so let’s go find the fire. 

I’d imagine that every company’s goal is to succeed and whether we admit it or not, this success is heavily reliant on human resources. Show me a company that’s killing it, and I’ll show you a workforce that’s talented, passionate, and adequately managed. Talent and passion aren’t enough; you should channel them the right way, effectively and efficiently, to achieve maximal results. This is where the Human Resource professionals come in. This is where the HR professionals should come in. 

If most (I’m pretty sure all) companies want to “blow,” and the work ethic of the staff is instrumental to this “blowage,” then it makes sense that the team is relaxing and well taken ”kiaruf.” You know, small chops and ice cream hia and dia, dear… paid leave whenever they need to top up their creative juice. 

On a more serious note, the HR department at all companies should commit to:


Listening is that aspect of effective communication that a lot of people completely ignore or downplay its significance. It is such an invaluable skill. We can learn a whole lot about people just by actively and attentively listening to them. As a Human Resource professional, your ears should not be far from the employees’ mouths. Try to listen even if they aren’t directly talking. What are the issues they are facing at work? How do they feel about the company’s policies? Do they consider the benefits beneficial? Do they look forward to coming to work? Is the work environment conducive enough? How can we improve things? 


What’s the point of active listening if not followed by action? It’s essential that the information gathered from listening, triggers a response that’s much more than words. You’ve discovered what irks the staff; are you going to do something about it? I beg your pardon; what are you doing about it? Let the direction of action be a collaborative effort with the employees. Involve them; let them have ownership of the decisions too. 


Rather than wait for information to come to your desk, why not go out and fish for it. Ask questions! Not when there’s an issue. Ask questions all the time! This is the energy that the staff needs - a feeling of value and respect. It’s essential that the team that’s creating the monster hit and catapults the company into superstardom feels seen and essential. Conduct unbiased surveys with absolute anonymity. 


I hate to use this corporate jargon, but its aptness is undeniable: “think outside the box.” Be as creative in your approach in anticipating issues as you are in dealing with them. You should avoid resolving to “this is how it’s been done.” Who tradition and custom epp? Especially when it’s not working. 


With senior managers continually thinking about the growth of their company in terms of numbers, it’s easy for them to overlook the welfare, mental health, and emotional needs of their employees. HR should be advocates to this effect. Look out for blind spots and shed adequate light on them. Look out for loopholes and get them filled. These things aren’t going to happen automatically, and sometimes a fight is required to champion these standard causes. 


Everyone should be treated fairly. Favoritism is unacceptable. Everyone’s needs are different, and there should be a tailored approach to these needs where possible. Nevertheless, everyone should be treated equally. No one’s case, issues, grievances should be unreasonably considered more valid or significant than the other. 

It’s in the best interest of a company to pay attention to the effectiveness and efficiency of its HR department. 

“Without an effective and efficient HR team, there will be no talents in the company, and without talented people who are dedicated to the company, there will be no business.” 

I can’t help but ask one question, though: Is HR expected to do too much? Could that be why they’re bogged down with other things instead of the essential part of what they represent - “human”???

Yeah, that was more than one question; oya, come and beat me! 

I dare you to forward this to HR if you think you’re bad! 

Also read, Email Blunders: 24 Commonly Misspelled Words.