Career Advice

Questions to Ask the HR Manager During an Interview

“Do you have any questions?” Every hiring manager will ask you this question during an interview, and whatever question you ask would determine how you’re perceived. You should always be ready to ask questions about your role and the company. This exercise shows how invested you are in the organization and your willingness to work.  In this article, we will look at questions to ask the hiring manager. 

What is the overall purpose of this position?

Knowing the purpose you serve in the company can help you understand your overall role and how your role fits into the inner workings of the company. When the interviewer answers this question, they may also reveal a lot of information about the company that may answer or raise further questions. The more knowledgeable you are about the position and the company increases your ability to decide if you would like to work there.

What are the immediate projects you would want me to attend to?

This question shows that you are a proactive employee. You are already imagining yourself working for the company and contributing to its success. You are eager to add value and prove that you are an excellent employee.

What does a typical day look like?

Through this question, the HR manager will know you see yourself in the position. Hiring managers are looking for serious job candidates. They're not looking for candidates who don't care what they'll be doing day-to-day because those are usually the same candidates who are only interested in a paycheck.

What is the companies culture?

Knowing the culture of a company is important. It lets you know whether people enjoy working there or if they are just here to do their job. A positive culture that promotes growth from within while improving employee morale can make many jobs enjoyable.

How do you evaluate the performance of the person in this position?

Knowing how you will be evaluated is a good idea before going into any position. Some companies offer annual evaluations, while others offer more frequent feedback. It may also benefit you to know if you will be working directly with your supervisor who will be there to observe your work or if they will be relying on data or results that will affect your evaluation.