Career Advice

5 Things Needed to Build a High-performing Team

How do your team members feel when it comes to teamwork? Either they roll your eyes to the back of your head, or you are at peace; the fact remains that they work together. To achieve team goals, team members must learn to work together productively. And the best way you can accomplish this is through solid leadership. Also, it is not enough to have a team; you need to assemble a high-performing team. Here are tips on high-performing teams. 


Empathy plays a significant role in an effective team; it dictates how team members communicate. When empathy plays a vital role in how a team operates, team members can read non-verbal cues, detect a shift in teammates’ mood, and act accordingly. When this happens, teammates are not under pressure to perform, and this gives them enough time to do their best work. 

Promote collaboration, not competition 

When teammates feel they are trying to outdo one another, it creates an atmosphere that restricts asking for help. But when they see themselves as partners, it fosters collaboration among teammates, leading to increased productivity. By promoting collaboration, each team member feels involved with the decision-making process and can own their roles. 


Lay down a communication structure for team members. By stating the correct channels meant for communication and how it flows, you reduce the time spent waiting for feedback. If your organization uses many tools, it can get confusing where to communicate certain tasks. As a result, you spend a lot of time waiting for feedback on a particular tool while another team member is unavailable. Also, allow team members to communicate with teammates and leaders without the fear of being sidelined or ignored. 

Build trust

Trust is at the core of every successful relationship, including those that makeup project teams. Without trust, people cannot work together and achieve meaningful results. To build confidence in your team, you have to take care of specific areas, which are:

  • Benevolence: Being kind and having others’ best interests at heart.
  • Integrity: Being honest, reliable, and possessing good character, e.g., how you act when no one’s watching.
  • Competence: Possessing the skills and knowledge required for a job.

If every member of your team possesses these skills, then you can build trust with time. Note that trust takes time to build. 

Invest in team members 

To have a high-performing team, you should invest in that team. Look for ways team members can constantly learn and improve their skills. You can sign them up for classes, seminars, and workshops. The more refined your team members are, the more productive they are at work. And if team members know you are invested in their growth, they would put in their all to make sure they achieve team goals. 

Also read, 6 steps to take after a major mess up at work.