Career Advice

5 Professional Networking tips for Getting a Job

Having a well-written CV, a cover letter that speaks volumes, an expert’s work experience, and the necessary skill set are marvelous when job hunting. But there is this crucial aspect everyone seems to ignore for reasons best known to them. It’s almost like it is unnecessary, but it’s what would grant you access faster than any job application would. Let’s face it, some of the roles we want are often not advertised. So, how do people who get these roles get them? They network with the right sets of people who have prior notice or hiring power. In this article, we would be discussing 7 networking tips to help you secure that job. 

Work on your elevator pitch 

When it comes to networking, it is vital to get your points right. As a job seeker, you would find yourself talking to different people from different industries or organizations; what will you tell them? An elevator pitch is usually between 30-60 seconds; it should contain who you are, what you do, and how you can offer value to the organization. Also, include why you are the perfect candidate. Sounds easy, but you need a lot of practice to perfect it. This is the first activity from our networking tips. 

Join a professional organization 

Think about any job on earth, yes, any position on earth; you can join an associated professional organization. Many organizations have social mixers, professional development seminars, and workshops. They’re also the perfect place for you to look for a mentor as many organizations offer programs where they pair younger members with industry veterans.

Attending these events is an excellent way for you to meet other like-minded individuals, learn about your industry trends, and keep up breaking information. If you’re in the right spot at the right time, you can learn about unadvertised job openings. 

Use social media to your advantage.

In our world today, social media has served as a great networking tool. From Twitter to LinkedIn, professionals get to know themselves without any physical introduction. The beauty about this is that you do not have to go to a physical office, meet at a work event, or set up a meeting. All you need to do can be done from the comfort of your bed. LinkedIn gives you direct access to the recruiter; you can ask questions about the organization and its work culture. Likewise, Twitter allows you to showcase the value you can offer. These social media tools have been significant assets to designers. 

Offer to help

Networking is not one-sided; you should regularly look for ways to help your network. One of the many ways in which you can help your network is by volunteering. Work for a non-profit group that resonates with you, and you'll likely make strong, lasting connections with other volunteers. Another way is to find skill-based volunteer (SBV) opportunities to use your professional skills in your volunteer efforts.

In all situations, remember to both pay it back and pay it forward when someone has helped you.

Be Consistent 

Networking is never enough, but you have to include it in your job searching strategy, and you have to do it consistently for it to yield results. You have to put in the effort to show up regularly, both on formal and informal occasions. If you do this, there is a high chance that you get your desired result which is to secure a job. 

These Networking tips would put you several steps ahead of regular job seekers irrespective of who they are and their experience. The best time to start networking was yesterday; the next best time is now.